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How to check my platinum points total

If you are a member of our Echidna Platinum Club rewards program and would like to check if you have any valid Platinum points, you can simply view your rewards points summary from within your customer account.

  1. If you haven’t already, login to your customer account
  2. Navigate to your account by clicking on the My Account > Account Home located below the shopping cart in the top right.
  3. Scroll down to the Vouchers & Rewards section to view your current rewards points.
    My Vouchers & Rewards
  4. Under the Balance column, you will find your Platinum points total and the dollar amount you can put towards your future purchases.
    Proceed to Confirm Payment
  5. If your Platinum points have expired or you have not yet placed any orders as a Platinum member, this section will not show.
    Proceed to Confirm Payment

Next Step: How to claim your platinum points on an order →

Offer ends midnight March 14, 2025.