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A quilt as you go, three colour quilt with lots of movement and exquisite quilting with jagged spikes and flowing ribbons quilted right into each block, and the spinning top element moves right into the border.

Block sizes are 5, 6, 7, 8" for the listed formats and even 10" and 12" for .exp formats. 

Choose the block size that fits your hoop. PDF instructions and fabric requirements are included for each block, plus a PDF slide show for visual learners and PDF instructions to complete the HoopSisters sashing and joining technique. An awesome design loved by all. Even the man in your life would love to have this quilt.

Available in 5", 6", 7", 8", 10", and 12" block sizes.

Formats include: .art, .dst, .exp, .jef, .pes, .vip and .vp3

Brand HoopSisters
Shipping Weight 0.0600kg
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HS-MS-DL Mood Swings by HoopSisters - Download

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